
tarell alvin mccraney

choir boy

Pharus has an angelic voice destined to praise God through Gospel music. Can his classmates, their parents, and the Drew School for African-American boys accept the person behind the voice?

lucy kirkwood

the children

Just when they felt they had contributed all they could as nuclear scientists and simpler, slower lives beckoned, an old colleague emerges with a crucial proposal of devastating consequences.



torquil campbell & chris abraham

true crime

Artistic curiosity turns perilously obsessive when actor and indie musician, Torquil Campbell, writes a play about slipping into the skin of one of the world’s greatest living con men.

kate henning

the last wife

It often proved fatal to cross Henry VIII but his last wife, Catherine Parr, stood firm. She raised his children, ruled a nation in his absence, and groomed an empire’s future sovereigns.



maurice panych

the shoplifters

Two women. Two men. Two rib steaks.  Surely doing a bad thing for the right reasons isn’t wrong. It may even be the key to happiness.

rebecca northan

blind date

Experience the exhilaration and excitement of new love when a charming, single clown goes on a blind date with one willing participant invited on stage each night.

fall in love